** Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous or the future perfect.
1 He will be eating (eat) his dinner at 6:00.
2 2
your homework before the match starts?
3 This time next week, we
(sunbathe) on a beach.
4 By the time we arrive home, the ice cream
5 The plane
(not/land) by the time we reach the airport.
6 What
(you/do) at 9 pm this evening?

Ариша337 Ариша337    2   07.12.2021 21:26    1

penina1 penina1  25.01.2022 04:45

1) will be eating

2) will you have finished

3) are sunbathing

4) will have melted

5) will have landed

6) are you doing

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