'put the verbs in brackets into the corrects present simple from 1. what time (you/have) lunch? 2. my (not/eat) breakfast every day. 3. (he/leave) for shook on mondays? 4. jack and (meet) once a week. 5. (margo/go) to the cinema on saturdays? 6. where (your parents/go) out on fridays? 7. jane (take) the train at 8 o/clock every morning. нужно перевести предложения и выполнить .

СлавноваМаша СлавноваМаша    1   14.09.2019 12:50    0

chicheviup00zou chicheviup00zou  07.10.2020 14:15
1) do you have
2) doesn't eat
3) does leave
4) are meet
5) Does Margo go
6) are you parent's go
7) has take
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