Put the verbs in bracket into the correct tense 1)) lunch while my )the dishes /finish)your homework yet? 3)/travel)abroad 4)) a documentary on tv at 7 oclock yesterday evening 5)) a new computer 2 months ago 6)) my room when the lights )off 7)/cook)dinner /walk)to school yesterday? 9)/come) home from work огромное !

Seref Seref    2   23.05.2019 11:10    1

1) I was having lunch while my mum was washing the dishes
2) Have you finished your homework yet?
3) They have never travel abroad.
4) Jeff was watching a documentary on tv at 7 oclock yesterday evening
5) Diane bought a new computer 2 months ago
6) I was tidying my room when the lights suddenly went off.
7) Gary has already cooked dinner.
8) Did she walk to school yesterday?
9) Mike has just  come home from work
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