Put the proper words into sentences: programming, insights, innovation, ethic, instructions, exhilaration, endeavor, awe-inspiring, encompass, freshmen, authority, bogus, mistrust. Decentralization results in ... to the chief. Holding the door for a lady is the question of... This still life isn’t Picasso’s; it’s a... The report you’ve presented doesn’t ... some of the problems. If you can survive both in the jungle and the desert, a ... Indian youare. The ... in how hardware works is obligatory for a good programmer. Each ... is another step to a new technological revolution. In 1961 the Soviet Scientists’ ... to conquer the space was a success. ... without any reason proves one’s carelessness. Iron grip boss expects you to carry out all his ... Annually MIT gains over 5000 ... ... should cause ... terror in your heart.

kokgggg kokgggg    1   20.01.2022 01:24    45

Рафаэлла2004 Рафаэлла2004  24.01.2024 08:59
Decentralization results in innovation to the chief. (Decentralization encourages new ideas and innovations to the person in charge.)

Holding the door for a lady is the question of ethic. (This action relates to the moral principles of treating others with respect and kindness.)

This still life isn’t Picasso’s; it’s a bogus. (This artwork claiming to be a Picasso painting is actually a fake or counterfeit.)

The report you’ve presented doesn’t encompass some of the problems. (The report does not include or address all of the issues at hand.)

If you can survive both in the jungle and the desert, a freshmen Indian you are. (If you are capable of enduring and adapting to extreme environments, you possess the skills of a resilient individual.)

The exhilaration in how hardware works is obligatory for a good programmer. (A good programmer must have a keen excitement or enthusiasm for understanding how hardware functions.)

Each endeavor is another step to a new technological revolution. (Every effort or undertaking leads to progress and advancements in technology.)

In 1961, the Soviet Scientists’ authority to conquer the space was a success. (The Soviet Scientists' power or control over space exploration resulted in a successful mission.)

Mistrust without any reason proves one’s carelessness. (Having a lack of trust in someone or something without any valid reason demonstrates a careless attitude.)

Iron grip boss expects you to carry out all his instructions. (A strict or controlling boss demands that you follow and complete all of their directions.)

Annually, MIT gains over 5000 insights. (Every year, MIT acquires more than 5000 valuable and unique understandings or insights.)

Programming should cause awe-inspiring terror in your heart. (The complexity and power of programming should elicit a mix of fear and admiration in your emotions.)
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