. Put the correct verb in the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1.They (play) football yesterday. 2. We (not see) him last week.
3. I ( pay) for electricity and gas yesterday. 4. I (already/ see) this film in the cinema. 5. When you (see) Tom last? 6. You (ever/ be) to London? 7. Yesterday I (go) to the cinema and (see) a very interesting film. 8. You (do) homework yet?

ushepbegjan ushepbegjan    2   22.12.2020 11:02    0

zelenukanna2002 zelenukanna2002  21.01.2021 11:14

1. They played

2. We didn't see

3.I payed

4. I have already seen

5. When you saw

6. Have you ever been

7. I went to the cinema and have seen

8. Have you done your homework yet?

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