Put the adjectivesladverbs in brackets in 8 Pu the correct comparativelsuperlative form. 1 Asmokejumper's job is much … (dangerous) than a shop assistant's. 2 Jim is … … (polite) secretary in the office. 3 Interns usually make … … (little) money than workers with regular jobs. 4 This painting is slightly (expensive) than the one hanging over there. 5 Mr Gavin works … … (hard) of all the coaches. 6 Some young people think that finding a job is (stressful) than attending university. 7 Working as a video game tester sounds a bit … (interesting) than working as a gardener. 8 Your interview skills are getting … (good) and better, but keep practising. 9 Complete the questions with the correct comparativelsuperlative form of the words in brackets, and then choose the correct answer

Nastya23160 Nastya23160    3   26.09.2021 06:52    1

nastponomarenk nastponomarenk  26.09.2021 07:00

1) more dangerous

2) the most polite

3) more little

4) more expensive

5) the hardest

6) more stressful

7) more interesting

8) better

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