Put said \ told in the sentence. Это 1 задание
 She me (that) she loved John.
 They (that) they were happy.
 He everybody (that) he had to leave.
 Anne me (that) her brother was buying a car.
 Alice to Mike (that) he was wearing a nice suit.
 She (that) it was raining.
 Lisa me (that) she would call at 2p.m.

Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, 2 Задание
используя глаголы из таблицы как глаголы
Told refused offered
promised agreed
 She said: “I won’t give you any money.”
 He said: “I will the washing up.”
 We said to them: “We were happy to see you.”
 I said: “Will you have a cup of coffee?”
 He said: “I’ll bring this book to you tomorrow.”

ValeriaIv ValeriaIv    2   23.04.2020 19:53    6

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