Put questions to the italicized words. when i have travelled through america, i have often asked myselfwith what sort of men those were whom i saw in trains or in the hotel.i have often wondered what their lives were, what they thought of and how they looked upon life.often i have tried to speak to them, but i have found no common (oouunin) language in which i could speak with them.they filled me with shyness (po6octb).now that i have read " the main street" i feel that i am no longer unfamiliar with them.i can give them names.i know how they behave (to behave- becth ce6st) when they are at home and what they talk about.i have enriched (to enrich - o6orauatb) my knowledge of human nature.but the author of "the main street" has done something more than to describe the life of the people of a small town in the middle west.he has described a very curious circumstance, the beginnings in america of the sociala distinctions

grrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrr    2   08.04.2019 20:28    196

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