Put in the prepositions ago, by, before, in, for, during, since, while, till.
1. I got here _ him, almost an hour _ ,I've been waiting for an hour.
2. I haven't seen Julia_ two months, _June. She was away _ the summer.
3. It's almost a year _ you left school. You did nothing _ this time.
4. I last saw Alex the day_ yesterday,I haven't met him_.
5. The book review will be ready _ a fortnight,_ the end of April.
6. Has anybody called me_ the tea break_I was out?
7. You must finish the report _Friday, _the weekend - at the lastest.
- Cannot it wait _next week? - No, you got the task long_.

ArinaKosareva63 ArinaKosareva63    3   13.05.2020 14:05    107

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