Put in the correct form of the verb in the passive voice with an adverb.
1. T-shirts (usually wash) in a washing machine or by hand.
2. They (often make) in lots of different colours.
3. The maker's name
(often put) on the front.
4. A picture (sometimes print) on the front of T-shirts.
5. T-shirts (often sell) in supermarkets.
6. They (also find) at markets, airports and in souvenir shops.​

ПРИВЕТ174rus ПРИВЕТ174rus    3   14.05.2021 22:27    0

Vadim55554 Vadim55554  14.05.2021 22:30

1 are usually washed

2 are often made

3 is often put

4 is sometimes printed

5 are often sold

6 are also found

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