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Family is important to everyone and we all love and appreciate our relatives. I cannot imagine living life without my family. Family is the best thing in the world that you could wish for. Our family is neither big nor small. I live with my mother, little brother and stepfather. My family is very friendly. When I feel bad or just have a bad mood, I know that at home I will definitely be supported. Home is a place where you can feel warmth, love, and understanding and be surrounded by care. That`s why family is important for me.
Every family has its traditions, which are respected by every member. So, my family isn`t an exception. We are gathering in the evening, drinking tea, telling something that we learned today or just telling jokes.
I`d be very interested to know from British teenager how he spends time with his family.
I would also like to know what traditions do they have.
Unfortunately, some families don`t have good relationships. The most common problem is the generation gap. Of course, every family has its reasons for this, but I can give some generalized advice. First of all, stop fighting, screaming, don`t have secrets, if you would like to have a happy family you need to be more open. It is no need to be too serious at home, so even if you smile more at each other, your relationship will get better. A happy family communicate with one another, so my next advice will be to talk with your relatives a lot.
As I said some people have problems with the generation gap. Of course, we, our parents, grandparents have different looks on some things and
conflicts may arise on this basis, but I think that even this problem we can reduce. For this, you need only your patience and kindness. Let's take as an example the case when
between parents and children happen quarrels because of children's marks at school and the generation gap. There are some situations when parents go too far and shouting at their children. If they want to eliminate this problem, they need to be more patient with their children. Children just need to listen to the parents and don`t wrangle. So, in this case, you and your relatives will be happy.
Love and take care of each other!
1 mistake: Family is the best thing you can wish to a person
2 mistake: не stepfather а father in law
3 mistake: Home is a place where you can feel warmth, love, where you will be understood and surrounded by care.
4 mistake: We are gathering in the evening, drinking tea, talking about things that we have learned today or just joking.(так правильнее)
5 mistake: I`d be very interested to get some information from a British teenager and have a picture of how he spends time with his family. (если надо, могу рассказать о том как обстоят дела у меня в семье (я оттуда))
6 mistake: Unfortunately, some families don`t have good relationship. (единственное число)
7 mistake: First of all, stop fighting, screaming, stop having secrets, (так правильнее)
8 mistake: you need to be more opened to your relatives
9 mistake: его нет)
все выше