Проверьте текст на наличие ошибок : i was born on 27th september. birthday is a very happy day for me. my birthday be celebrated at home with family. after that we go to the cinema. i usually don't decorate my home. clean home best decoration. i never invited friends to my birthday party. the best company is my family. but usually i celebrate my birthday alone. to invite someone on my birthday, i called them on the phone or write sms. on my birthday i am cooking : salads, pizza, jelly, pie, vegetables ets. entertainment it is a walk to the cinema. on a very interesting film. usually 3d. happy day is a small gift for everybody.

VLAD43211 VLAD43211    1   20.08.2019 18:50    0

artem2006sokol artem2006sokol  05.10.2020 07:49
I was born September 27. Birthday is a very happy day for me. My birthday is celebrated at home with family. After it we usually go to the cinema. I usually do not decorate my house. Clean house does not need to decorate (Чистый дом не нужно украшать). I never invite friends birthday. (Стоит использовать одно время при слитном рассказе) The best company for me is my family. But usually ( Я бы иcиспользовал слово sometimes (иногда)) I celebrate my birthday alone. If I want someone to invite to my birthday I call him or write sms. For my birthday, I usually cook salads, pizza, jelly, pie, vegetables etc (et cetera). Going to the cinema is the main part of the entertainment for my birthday. I usually go to the cinema to watch new films in 3d. My gift to all guests is this wonderful holiday.
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