проверьте правильность задания:
2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Past Simple.

1) Was (be) you at the cinema last night?
2) Her parents work (work) at a bank.
3) I heard (hear) a noise, I went to see what it was.
4) Look! The birds fly (fly) away.
5) How often do you go (you/go) to the cinema?
6) Kate doesn’t like (not/like) potatoes.
7) She cleans (clean) vegetables an hour ago.
8) What do you do (you/do) now?

Kasha09 Kasha09    3   20.04.2020 12:56    1

slavka30 slavka30  13.10.2020 12:51

1.Were you at the cinema last night?

2.Her parents work at a bank.

3.I heard a noise, I went to see what it was.

4.Look! The birds are flying away.

5.How often do you go to the cinema?

6.Kate doesn't like photoes.

7.She cleaned vegetables an hour ago

8.What are you doing now?

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