.(Проверьте правильно ли я написал письмо: dear students and teachers/ today at 15/00 p. m. i found a purse in school cafeteria/ it is a black wallet/ inside it 50 uah and flash card for 4 gbt/ return for moneytary compensation/ my contact: +3809595959595959 подкоректируйте , это важно).
Dear students and teachers,
Today at 15/00 p.m. i found a purse in school cafeteria.It is a black wallet. it has 50 UAH and flash card for 4 GBT. Return for moneytary compensation. My contact: +3809595959595959
так лучше будет)
Dear students and teachers/
I found a purse in school cafeteria today at 15/00 p.m. It is a black wallet/ Inside it 50 UAH and flash card for 4 GBT/ Return for moneytary compensation. My contact: +3809595959595959