Проверьте, ! look at the picture i see the happy family reunion.all people in the flat to laught.they eat a pie and drink a tee.but the happiest is carry with her great-grandmother.the girl seems delighted to see her shining blue eyes on the great-gandmother.she looks elegant and at the same time lovely in her velvet dress with a rose pin.carry's hair knot in ponitail. the great-grandmother sit in a wheelchair.she looks conservative and gracefully.the great-grandmoyher stands for carry a sings of beauty. смотря на картину, я вижу счастливую семейную встречу.все люди в комнате улыбаются.они едят пирог и пьют чай.но самые счастливые это керри с ее прабабушкой.девочка выглядит восторженной, смотря своими блестящими голубыми глазами на прабабушку. она выглядит элегантно и в тоже время мило в её вельветовом платье с розовой брошкой. волосы керри завязаны в хвост. прабабушка сидит в инвалидном кресле. она выглядит элегантно и изящно. прабабушка стала для керри знаком красоты.

Gaziz05 Gaziz05    1   31.05.2019 14:40    1


I see a happy family reunion in this picture. Every person in the room is smiling. They are eating pie and drinking tee. Carry and her great-grandmother look the most joyful among them. The girl looks with delight at her great-grandmother.

She looks elegant and at the same time adorable in her velvet dress with a rose pin. Carry’s hair is made into a ponytail. The elder lady sits in a wheelchair. She looks elegant and graceful. Carry reveres her great-grandmother as a style icon.

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