Проверьте in russian schools have punishment. for example, this entry in the dnevnike.esli pupil behaved badly, the teacher writes a few words about the behavior of the student. if ucheneik talking in class and the teacher sulshal it may leave after school. detention is also considered punishment

Tanya22rus Tanya22rus    2   25.06.2019 08:00    0

vikapataeva vikapataeva  20.07.2020 15:17
Вообще не правильно! Не пользуйся переводчиком!
igorlenkov2017 igorlenkov2017  20.07.2020 15:17
There some punishments in Russian schools. For example, teachers can do some notes about your bahaviour and your progress in your diary. If pupil do pad things and misbehaves, the teacher writes a few words about it to pupil's parents. If pupil talking while lesson in class, the teacher may leave him after school. It is the punishment too. 
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