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Now I am studying at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University at the faculty of Economics and Management. When I graduate, I can choose one of several professions available to me in the economic field. Now I aim to become an economist. The economist is one of the most important specialists in the enterprise.
An economist is a specialist in collecting, processing, organizing information about economic phenomena and processes, analyzing the course and results of economic activity, evaluating its success and possibilities for improving it, forecasting, and promising and current planning.
It is not easy to be an economist - his work includes not only work with numbers and documents, but also communications, work on a computer, business trips. A useful skill for an economist is knowledge of a foreign language. Also important for an economist are: high intellectual working capacity, developed logical memory, high concentration, the ability to work with large volumes of information, the ability to correctly present and prove one's point of view (verbally and in writing), responsibility, organization, self-confidence.
The profession “economist” is in high demand in the labor market, but the competition is high.