proper letter next to the number. the dishes. when I want to wash 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) when my food is warm enough. when mum wants to cook dinner. when the carpet is clean. when I want to sleep. when I want to read before sleeping. when we need some wood for our fireplace. when she wants to wash her clothes. a) b) c) d) My sister switches on the washing machine I switch off the microwave oven I switch on the dishwasher My father switches on his electric saw to cut the wood I turn off my computer and TV My brother switches off the vacuum cleaner I switch on the lamp My mother uses the gas cooker e) f) g) h) 2. Write a short, exciting adventure story. Choose a mysterious setting, describe the characters, and make sure your plot has a beginning, middle and end.​

тисрлю тисрлю    1   18.03.2021 14:37    1

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