Проект Мій улюблений спорт Скласти про волейбол, та правила цієї гри на англійській мові

1882 1882    3   30.01.2021 21:07    1

tttyadoyan235 tttyadoyan235  30.01.2021 22:00

Volleyball - short description gri

Volleyball is a ball game. Play volleyball on a special maidan with a size of 18 by 9 meters. At the new one, beckon two commanders. One team includes a bunch of people. Rozdіlena maidanchik on two parts behind an additional net, yak is known two and a half meters from the ground. Methods of tsієї gri є set such a straight ball, so that it spills a sieve from your side, poking the territory of the supernik. For, navpaki, don't let the ball kick in your maidans.

It’s because the ball has been given to the team for the supernicks, and you don’t let the stench get into your heart if you have consumed the ball on the territory. When the ball is turned on the territory of the grave, it is possible to break the ball of the ball, not to handle the dodat torkanny, or to visit the block. The system of otrimannya point in volleyball is considered to be such a rank: if the ball is from the side of the command, then one point will be secured to the super player, then the ball will hit your territory, or give the ball vibrating for the middle of the game. The game is played by the team that scores 25 points with a

score of two points. If the rakhunok is rivny, then the gratuitous one will not add two points.

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