Проект мій день 5 клас анг мова​

Діана25123456789000 Діана25123456789000    3   12.03.2019 17:48    2

MiLLkYWaY1 MiLLkYWaY1  25.05.2020 02:18

Hello! My day's begins from waking up. I go to the kitchen to eat and drink tea. Then I go to the bath and brush my teeth, because it’s not dirty to me. Then I finally go get dressed and go to school. Of course before that, I also do hairstyle Then, when I came to school, I was preparing for the first lesson. Then when I have gone home, I go home, eat and go to school. Then I come home, do my homework, relax, I wash and go to bed.


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