- Английский язык
- продолжение 7) and they/
7) and they/ make lots of money / hope / I / be more popular / the farmers ' job/ will be able to
8) definitely/ I / have/ a boring job / won't
9) probably/ next year / we'll / buy a new country hous

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1) This year, farmers in our country probably won't grow more beetroot.
2) When I finish my school, I definitely won't become a farmer.
3) I think people might use drones in farming because it's more effective.
4) Tractors will probably be more modern soon.
5) I don't think I'll have a big garden because I can't look after the trees.
6) I imagine I'll continue to live in the countryside when I'm older.
7) I hope the farmers' job will be more popular and they will be able to make lots of money.
8) I definitely won't have a boring job.
9) We'll probably buy a new country house next year.