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1. The international environmental organization Greenpeace is dedicated to preserving Earth’s natural resources and its diverse plant and animal life. The organization campaigns against nuclear weapons testing, environmental pollution, and destructive practices in fishing, logging, and other industries.
2. Greenpeace was founded in Vancouver, Canada, in 1971 by members of the Don’t Make a Wave Committee, a small group opposed to nuclear weapons testing by the United States military in Alaska. The group renamed itself Greenpeace to reflect the broader goal of creating a green and peaceful world.
3. Greenpeace won fame for its daring exploits calculated to attract media attention to environmental issues. Greenpeace members in rubber rafts have disrupted whaling expeditions by positioning themselves between the whales and hunter’s harpoons.
4. They used similar tactics in Newfoundland and Labrador to protest the clubbing of baby harp seals, whose soft white fur is highly valued by clothing manufacturers. The organization is well known for scaling corporate skyscrapers and factory smokestacks to hang protest banners.
5. Greenpeace’s aggressive style has often led to conflicts with corporation, local authorities, and even national government. In recent years Greenpeace has been troubled by internal disagreements over political strategy. Some members want to persist with an aggressive approach, emphasizing civil disobedience and physical confrontation. Other members, including the organization’s leaders, are convinced that Greenpeace must work cooperatively with the companies and industries that have been its targets.