Прочтите и переведите абзац из текста «The Farmer's Guide». Preparing, Seeding, and Planting Although different crops demand different preparation, some practices apply to almost any crop. And what you do before planting is just as important as what you do after. Preparing the topsoil is always key. Test it in late summer to determine if amendments like lime, sulfur, or phosphorous are needed to adjust acidity. If the soil is nutrient -deficient, add fertilizer. Likewise, most fields require treatment with an herbicide. Waiting two weeks to plant after using some herbicides is recommended. Once the soil temperature is right, planting can begin. The seeding rate is determined by the ideal seeds per pound and seeds per square foot. Be sure to calculate the appropriate plant density. A miscalculation will result in low emergence. The actual planting of seeds will vary by crop. Broadcast seeding may work for some seeds, while seed drills work better for small grains such as wheat or oats.
6. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 Amendments add nutrients to soil.
2 Herbicides should be applied weeks after planting.
3 Broadcast seeding is effective with oats.

1. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).
1 _ seeds per pound
2 _ broadcast seeding
3 _ plant density
4 _ amendment
5 _ seeds per square foot

A _ a method of scattering seeds
B _ amount of seeds planted per square foot
C _ the number of seeds in a pound of seeds
D _ the number of plants in a certain area
E a substance added to improve soil

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank: soil temperature seeding rate herbicide emergence
1The farmer used to improve the soil.
2 The weeds died after Mary used .
3 It is still too cold to plant the seeds; there is 25 degrees.
4 During droughts, the can be blown away by strong winds.
5 The farmer was pleased to have 90 percent _of the newly planted crops.
6 This field's is 10 pounds per acre.

3. Read the section of The Farmer's Guide again and answer the question: Which month would be best to test the topsoil?

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