Прочтите и ответьте на вопросы по тексту Education in Great Britain. At What Age Do Children Go to School in Britain? Children in Britain go to school at the age of (4 in Northern Ireland) until they are 16. Before school many children attend nursery schools. Some parents send their children to private (fee-paying) nursery schools r kindergartens. Children first attend the infants' school until they are ears old. At 7 they move to the junior school and at 11(12 in Scotland children go from junior to secondary school What Are the Different Types of Secondary Schools? Over 85% of secondary school pupils attend comprehensive schools. These schools take children of all abilities and give secondary education for children from the age of 11 to 16 or 18 Grammar schools give academic education for the children from 11 to 18-years old. Children enter grammar schools on the basis of their abil- ities, first passing the eleven-plus examination A small minority of children attends secondary modern schools, which give a more general and technical education for children aged 11-16 City Technology Colleges (CTCs) give boys and girls strong technolog- ical and business education. They are non-fee-paying independent schools, set up by the Government with the help of business sponsors who finance the schools. There are now 15 such colleges in England and Wales. Specialist schools, which only operate in England, give pupils a broad secondary education in technology, languages, arts or sports. There are over 250 specialist schools. They charge no fees. What Are "Public" Schools? 7% of all schoolchildren in England and 4% in Scotland go to inde pendent school sector that is separate from the state educational system Parents of pupils attending public schools can afford to pay for their edu- cation, and in some cases fees can be several thousand pounds a year.
About 250 of the larger independent schools are known for historical reasons as public schools. Eton, which was founded in 1440, is the first grammar school called a “public school” because pupils could come to it from any part of England.
1)When does the pre-school education begin in England, Wales and North Ireland?
2)When does the education begin in England?
3)What are public school?
4)What are the most famous Public schools in England?
5)What are Grammar and Comprehensive schools?
2) Образование начинается в Англии в возрасте 4 лет.
3) Публичные школы - это независимые образовательные учреждения, функционирующие вне государственной системы образования. Родители учащихся этих школ могут позволить себе оплату за обучение, и в некоторых случаях плата может составлять несколько тысяч фунтов в год.
4) Самые известные публичные школы в Англии - это Этон, Харроу, Винчестер и Радли.
5) Грамматические школы предоставляют академическое образование для детей в возрасте от 11 до 18 лет. Для поступления в грамматическую школу ученик должен пройти экзамен "eleven-plus". Комплексные школы принимают детей всех способностей и предоставляют среднее образование для детей в возрасте от 11 до 16 или 18 лет.