Прочти разговор Анны с мамой. Затем впиши в пропуски much, many, a lot of, how much или how many.
Ann: I’m going to the corner shop, Mum. Do you need anything?
Mum: Yes, I do. I need 1) . Л. lo.P.Qf. tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta.
Ann: 2 ) tomatoes exactly?
Mum: I think 2 kilos is enough. I need some cheese, as well.
Ann: Of course! 3 ) do you want?
Mum: I don’t want 4) Maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn’t 5)
Get another litre, please.
Ann: OK! What about bread?
Mum: We have 6) bread left. We don’t need any more.
Ann: Can I get some chocolate for myself?
Mum: Yes, you can but not 7 )
Ann: Is two bars OK?
Mum: That’s fine but don’t eat all of it at once.
Ann: OK, Mum

Mary200001313 Mary200001313    3   09.12.2021 12:11    111

лав35 лав35  21.12.2023 22:04
Ann: I’m going to the corner shop, Mum. Do you need anything?
Mum: Yes, I do. I need 1) _a lot of_. tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta.
Ann: 2) _How many_ tomatoes exactly?
Mum: I think 2 kilos is enough. I need some cheese, as well.
Ann: Of course! 3) _How much_ do you want?
Mum: I don’t want 4) _much_. Maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn’t 5) _enough_.
Get another litre, please.
Ann: OK! What about bread?
Mum: We have 6) _some_ bread left. We don’t need any more.
Ann: Can I get some chocolate for myself?
Mum: Yes, you can but not 7) _a lot of_.
Ann: Is two bars OK?
Mum: That’s fine but don’t eat all of it at once.
Ann: OK, Mum.

1) "a lot of" is used to talk about a large quantity or a large number of something. In this case, the mother needs a large quantity of tomatoes to make some sauce.
2) "How many" is used when we want to know the number of something. In this case, Ann wants to know the exact number of tomatoes her mother needs.
3) "How much" is used when we want to know the quantity or amount of something. In this case, Ann wants to know the quantity of cheese her mother wants.
4) "much" is used when we want to know the quantity of something, and it is often used in negative sentences. In this case, her mother doesn't want a large quantity of cheese.
5) "enough" is used to indicate that there is an adequate amount of something. In this case, there isn't an adequate amount of milk, so Ann needs to get another litre.
6) "some" is used to indicate an indefinite or unspecified quantity of something. In this case, there is still an indefinite amount of bread left.
7) "a lot of" is used to talk about a large quantity or a large number of something. In this case, her mother doesn't want her to eat a large quantity of chocolate.

In summary, "a lot of" is used to talk about a large quantity or a large number, "how many" is used to inquire about the number of something, "how much" is used to inquire about the quantity or amount of something, "much" is used in negative sentences to talk about the quantity of something, "enough" is used to indicate an adequate amount of something, and "some" is used to indicate an indefinite or unspecified quantity.
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