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What facts from the history of Australia describe

1. born of nation

2. contemporary Australia

3. the impact of war

4. Depression years

5. ancient heritage of Australia

6. a changing society

7. the first European settlement

A. During the Second World War Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. The generation that fought in the war and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia’s capabilities.

B. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, had cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.

C. Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English the common language. The nation has ethnic media, an international business reputation, an innovative artistic community, diverse religious and cultural activities.

D. The1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic and social change.

E. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution.

F. In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown.11 ships carried about 1500 people – half of them convicts. The fleet arrived Sydney Harbour on 26 January 1788.

efr47 efr47    3   16.05.2020 16:15    562

женя1373 женя1373  22.12.2023 19:29
1. Born of nation: E. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution. This fact describes the establishment of Australia as a nation.

2. Contemporary Australia: C. Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English being the common language. This fact describes the diverse and multicultural nature of modern Australia.

3. The impact of war: A. During the Second World War, Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. This fact highlights the involvement of Australia in the war and the pride felt by the generation that fought in it.

4. Depression years: D. The 1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic, and social change. Though not specifically mentioning the Great Depression, this fact refers to a difficult period and can be related to the Depression years.

5. Ancient heritage of Australia: B. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. This fact acknowledges the long history and heritage of the Aboriginal people in Australia.

6. A changing society: D. The 1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic, and social change. This fact describes the societal changes happening in Australia.

7. The first European settlement: F. In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown. This fact marks the arrival of the first European settlers in Australia in 1788.


What facts from the history of Australia describe:
1. Born of nation: E. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution. This fact describes the establishment of Australia as a nation.
2. Contemporary Australia: C. Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English the common language. The nation has ethnic media, an international business reputation, an innovative artistic community, diverse religious and cultural activities. This fact describes the diverse and multicultural nature of modern Australia.
3. The impact of war: A. During the Second World War, Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. The generation that fought in the war and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia’s capabilities. This fact highlights the involvement of Australia in the war and the pride felt by the generation that fought in it.
4. Depression years: D. The 1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic, and social change. This fact reflects a difficult period in Australia's history.
5. Ancient heritage of Australia: B. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, had cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived. This fact acknowledges the long history and heritage of the Aboriginal people in Australia.
6. A changing society: D. The 1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic, and social change. This fact describes the societal changes happening in Australia.
7. The first European settlement: F. In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown. The fleet arrived Sydney Harbour on 26 January 1788. This fact marks the arrival of the first European settlers in Australia.

Text G is not mentioned in any of the given options, so it is considered as the extra text.
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