Прочитайте текст «Youth in America and Britain» и выполните
Text A
American youth problems are connected with their beliefs and values. Hard
work is part of the American Dream. To be a success is important in America.
Society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing. That’s why all young
Americans want to work hard and be a success. The first step to it is a diploma.
Without it, it’s almost impossible to be successful. In order to get it you should
Text B
In Britain life used to be fun for teenagers. They have money to spend, and
free time to spend it in. But for many young people life is harder now. Jobs are
difficult to find. There is not so much money around. Things are more expensive,
and it’s hard to find a place to live. Teachers say that students work harder than
they used to. They are less interested in politics and more interested in passing
exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.
Read the text again and write A for American, B for British
1) Young people want to be a success.
2) They know that good exam result get them better job.
3) Hard work is a part of their dream.
4) Their society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing.
5) Young people life became harder now.

ivanovgrisha2df ivanovgrisha2df    2   31.03.2020 19:45    0

raremani raremani  12.10.2020 10:50

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

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