Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Our spaceship has reached the Moon; the landing was quite normal. Now the three members of our crew will be able to rest for two weeks or so. We can sleep, talk, drink and go sightseeing on the Moon. Perhaps we shall even take a trip down to Earth. Then we will go back into space again. We shall make trips to Mars, or Venus, or Mercury. I have made such interplanetary flights for fifteen years already. Our spaceship carries a cargo of food and machines to one planet and a cargo of minerals to another. We, spacemen, are just interplanetary truck drivers. When Dumarest, French and I were walking towards the exit of reception, Dumarest said: “Do you think the old man will meet us as usual?” “I think so,” said French. “He will meet us… if he isn’t dead. What do you think, Frank?” I didn’t answer. “We see him after every trip. I’m sure he is waiting for us by the exit as usual. Oh, yes, here he is, just the same as always.” He was right. Thorne was standing by the exit of the reception. He was very thin and very old. His hair was white and his eyes were like the eyes of a lost dog. The old man looked at me as I went into the medical office for a radiation check. He was still standing there when I left the medical office and then went to another office to give the clerk the ship’s papers. He looked with those eyes of a lost dog at every man who landed on the Moon… Most people paid no attention to him. Some invented different stories about him. I was the only man who knew just why he always stood there looking at the faces of the people who landed on the Moon. He was waiting for his son. Tony Thorne was young, brave, with a dream in his heart. His dream was to become a spaceman. His mother was dead. His father didn’t give him permission to enter Space School. He didn’t want Tony to become a spaceman, - he was afraid to lose him. So young Tony had stolen all the money he could from his father and had run away from home. That was all the story. A simple sixteen-year-old story. 1. The author is a space truck driver. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 2. Thorne was waiting for them because he wanted to know about the political situation on the Earth. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 3. Tony’s mother died when he was sixteen. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 4. Only the author knew Thorne’s story. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Lunitoes Lunitoes    3   22.06.2020 14:30    28

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