Прочитайте текст, на место пропусков вставьте один из вариантов, предоставленных в скобках. Переведите полученный текст на русский язык, уделяя особое внимание словам, которые были выбраны. Выберите одну любую группу слов в скобках и сделайте их разбор: напишите определение всех 4х слов на английском языке (используйте англо-английский словарь), напишите перевод всех 4х слов на русский язык, объясните разницу между ними. Grandfather
When I was ten, I spent the best months of my life in Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born. What (leaves/remains/persists/continues) most vivid in my mind are the times I shared with my Grandfather Jorden.
The first thing I (noticed/remarked/looked/recognized) about Grandfather was his big hands and broad shoulders. The second thing was how he could work. All summer I watched him. He mowed grass, gathered the hay in huge bundles, and carried them on his back to the bam. He caught and salted fish, grew and stored potatoes. He stopped only long enough to eat and to sleep a few winks. (Many/Little/Few/Much) people could work so hard.
And yet he (filfilled/achieved/succeeded/managed) to find time for just the two of us. One day he gave me a knife. He took his own knife and cut a thin branch from a (close/nearby/next/near) tree. He showed me how to make a flute. Even today, 60 years later, whenever I hear the pure notes of a flute, I think of how he made music from nothing but a branch of a tree.
As an American, I always thought people simply bought whatever they needed. I don’t know (therefore/however/whether/although) Grandfather knew this, but it seems he wanted to teach me something. And the flute will always (remind/recall/remember/recollect) me of my Grandfather and his life lessons.

dimaloginkinozgu92 dimaloginkinozgu92    2   11.03.2021 19:22    2

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