Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. 2 слова лишние. United states of america.

The usa are located on the mainland of north america. This country ranked fourth in the world terms uren and third in terms of population.
The state consists A... 50 states and the federal capital district of columbia. Each state has B... own constitution and government. The head of state is the president. The capital of the country is washington. Here is the residence of the president of the united states the white house. The U.S. Congress C... located on capitol hill.
The country located in all climatic zones. In northern alaskn, the climate is arctic, in the central part of the country - continental, in the south of the country, in florida, - subtropical.
On the territory the united states flows the greateat river in the world the mississippi. it is the most full-flowing and deep river in the country. Ita tributary, the missouri river, is D... river in the united states. On the border with canada the great lakes.
Most of the us population lives in cities. The largest in terms of population E... New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, etc. The Main Lenguages are English, Spanish, French and Hawaiian.
Список слов:
1. in
2. of
3. on
4. its
5. the longest
6. the most
7. are

никуля40 никуля40    2   24.03.2021 20:59    3

Koopyosnik Koopyosnik  23.04.2021 21:01




D.the largest


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