Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

Tom’s New Love
Walking past Jeff Thatcher’s house, Tom saw a new girl in the (A). She had long yellow hair and blue eyes and was dressed in a white (B) dress. She was the most (C) creature Tom had ever seen. A certain Amy Lawrence immediately vanished out of his (D) ; he thought he loved her more than anything else in the world — in fact, he had only won her a (E) ago. Then, for seven days, he had been the happiest boy alive.

1. week; 2. heart; 3. incredible; 4. garden; 5. summer; 6. towards; 7. beautiful.

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aliFkaVAY aliFkaVAY    3   20.04.2020 18:46    6

shukrona2006221 shukrona2006221  13.10.2020 13:13
A. Garden
B. Summer
C. Beautiful
D. Heart
E. Week
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