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More and more often people try to (reuse/overuse/disuse)resources of the planet. It's very
important if we want to keep our planet alive. We pollute our land a lot. We use a lot of plastic things, but we (underestimate/misestimate/restimate) the problem of plastic waste. Now we
have a lot of garbage in the oceans and on the earth. The film industry tries to help. A
lot of films describe the problem of (overconsumption/misconsumption/disconsumption) . Many artists turn to this
problem as well. They organise festivals and carry out projects that aim to make
people care about this problem. Each person can do something to solve this problem.
There is a lot of (misfaith/overfaith/refaith) to the information about it now. But still, our planet is
our home, and we need to protect it! Art can be a way to (return/misturn/disturn) attention to
this issue.

Ричард256 Ричард256    1   13.02.2022 05:47    55

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