Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматиче- скую форму, выбрав ее из списка.
Not a problem
Some people know A
but they are too shy to speak foreign languages.
Some people know little but they overcome this problem B
Once a famous Europcan writer C to ani American girl. The American,
speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited the
United States. "I know only a few sentences in English," answered the writer. "What
sentences?" asked the girl. "How do you do? I love you. Forgive me.
Forget me. IIam and eggs, please," answered the writur, "Bus," said the girl,"with
that vocabulary you E travel all over my country."
are D
A1) much
2) little
3) many
4) a little
B1) easy
2) easiest
9) easily
4) easier
C1) talked
21 was talking
3) talks
4) is talking
D1) these
2) this
3) that
4) those
EI have to
2) mus'u't
3) had to
4) can​

ЯЯЯ03 ЯЯЯ03    3   10.09.2020 18:28    237

Carlso3000 Carlso3000  06.01.2024 17:09
Привет! Я рад стать твоим школьным учителем и помочь с решением задания. Вот пошаговое решение:

1. Прочитай текст:
"Not a problem. Some people know A, but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little but they overcome this problem B. Once a famous European writer C to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited the United States. "I know only a few sentences in English," answered the writer. "What sentences?" asked the girl. "How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. I am and eggs, please," answered the writer. "But," said the girl, "with that vocabulary you E travel all over my country."

2. Определи, какая грамматическая форма необходима для каждого пропуска:
Пропуск A: Данное предложение требует сравнение, и по контексту нам нужно использовать сравнительную степень. Выберем вариант 2) little.
Пропуск B: Здесь нужно выбрать слово, которое означает преодоление проблемы. Выберем вариант 4) easier.
Пропуск C: По контексту видно, что событие произошло в прошлом, поэтому необходимо использовать прошедшую форму глагола talk. Выберем вариант 2) was talking.
Пропуск D: В данном случае нам нужно указать на конкретные предложения, поэтому выберем вариант 3) that.
Пропуск E: В предложении речь идет о возможности или способности путешествовать, поэтому выберем вариант 4) can.

3. Вставь нужные грамматические формы на свои места:
"Not a problem. Some people know little, but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little but they overcome this problem easier. Once a famous European writer was talking to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited the United States. "I know only a few sentences in English," answered the writer. "What sentences?" asked the girl. "How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. I am and eggs, please," answered the writer. "But," said the girl, "with that vocabulary you can travel all over my country."

Теперь полный текст выглядит следующим образом:
"Not a problem. Some people know little, but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little, but they overcome this problem easier. Once a famous European writer was talking to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited the United States. "I know only a few sentences in English," answered the writer. "What sentences?" asked the girl. "How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. I am and eggs, please," answered the writer. "But," said the girl, "with that vocabulary you can travel all over my country."

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