Прочитайте текст и вставьте подходящие слова, выбрав один из предложенных ниже вариантов. everybody was surprised and even shocked when sheila said that her favourite sport was boxing. slim blue-eyed girls normally prefer figure skating of gymnastics. sheila said that it wasn’t actually fighting what ) her, but the tactics the boxer used. according to her, physical strength didn’t ) much, only a boxer who was able to plan the round had a good chance to win. she was crazy about that sport and ) everything if some boxing event was on. she never missed boxing competitions at our ). once she suggested going there together. i think i’ll never forget it. people around us were very excited and cheered the boxers loudly. sheila was quiet and looked very concentrated. i’m sure that she was able to ) who would win from the first minutes of the fight. 1 a) advised b) attracted c) expected d) allowed 2 a) mean b) know c) tell d) leave 3 a) put on b) put off c) put up d) put up with 4 a) too b) as well c) either d) neither 5 a) prevent b) provide c) pretend d) predict

artyche artyche    3   10.06.2019 00:00    5

olya341 olya341  01.10.2020 23:23
1 b) attracted
2 a) mean
3 b) put off
4 b) as well
5 d) predict
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