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The Dancing Camel
The camel really wanted to become a ballet dancer. Every day she
practiced her dances. She worked for many months under the hot
sun. A
feet hurt and she was tired, but she did not even
think of stopping.
At last the camel said: "Now I am a dancer." She B
her camel friends to come for her first show. When her dance was
over, everyone was quiet. "This is C
_dance that I have
ever seen," said one of the D
friends. "You are, like the
rest of us, only a camel. You are not and never will be a ballet
"How very wrong they are!" said the camel. "I have worked hard. I
am a great dancer. I will dance just for myself." That is what she did.
And she was happy for E
A. 1) Hers 2) His
3) Her
4) Him
B. 1) asked 2) asks 3) was asked 4) has asked
C. 1) worse 2) worst 3) the worse 4) the worst
D. 1) camels 2) camel's 3) camels' 4) camels's
E. 1) many 2) much 3) any
4) every
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саня1362 саня1362    1   30.10.2021 21:46    9

defordd defordd  30.10.2021 22:00


present simple gap tuzilish

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