Прочитайте текст и подберите наиболее удачный заголовок к тексту. 1. About Mr. Michael Bell
2. The Money Box
3. Shopkeepers in Grimsby
4. The Midland Bank
5. Friday Evening
It was Friday evening and shopkeepers in Grimsby came to the Midland Bank to put their money into the night safe. But later that evening the night safe disappeared and with it 4,000. Every Friday evening the shopkeepers put the money they take during the week into the night safe. They don’t want to leave it in their shops, but the bank closes early. The night safe is outside on the wall and the money they put into it goes into the bank. But on this Friday evening the people who came along the street with their bags full of money dropped them not into a night safe, but into a box that belonged to Mr Michael Bell.
Mr Bell, who makes radios and televisions, had the idea when he saw two men outside the bank one evening. When he came home from work, the two men, who were apparently shopkeepers, were putting some money into the night safe. He made the box at home and painted it. When it was ready, he took it to the bank and hung it on the wall next to the night safe.
On the front of the night safe he painted the words: «Please use the new night safe. This one is out of order». Then he went round the corner and waited for the shopkeepers to arrive. He listened while they dropped their bags of money into the box. When it was full, he quickly took it down and went home with 4,000.
Mr Bell is very clever and his idea was good, but not perfect. Now he has time to think of other ideas. He’s in prison for stealing.
Задание 2. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста. Запишите номер предложения и букву выбранного варианта, например 1) а.
1. Every week the shopkeepers put money
a) into a box which belonged to Mr Michael Bell.
b) outside the bank into the night safe on the wall.
c) in their shops.
2. They put the money into the night safe because
a) the bank closed early.
b) they lived in Grimsby near the Midland Bank.
c) their bags were full of money.
3. Mr Bell made the box at home and hung it on the wall of the bank as
a) he was asked to do it.
b) he wanted to take a lot of money.
c) he painted the box.
4. The shopkeepers were putting money into Mr Bell safe while
a) he was standing round the corner.
b) he was painting the box.
c) he painted the words: «Please use the new night safe».
5. Mr Bell is in prison because
a) he is clever.
b) his idea is good.
c) he has stolen the money.
Задание 3. Выберите правильный ответ на во по содержанию текста. Запишите номер во и букву выбранного варианта ответа, например 1) а.
1. When did shopkeepers put money into the night safe?
a) Every night.
b) Every Friday evening.
c) When the box was ready.
2. Why did shopkeepers put money into the night safe?
a) They wanted their money to be safe.
b) They wanted to give the money to Mr Bell.
c) They want to leave the money in their shops.
3. Where did shopkeepers put their money on Friday evenings?
a) In their shops.
b) Into the night safe.
c) Into Mr.  Bell’s box.
4. What did the shopkeepers put into the night safe?
a) The money they took during the week.
b) The money they stole.
c) The money for Mr Bell.
5. Is Mr Bell in prison now?
a) No, he is not.
b) Yes, he is.
c) Yes, he does.
Задание 4. Восстановите пропущенное слово. Запишите номер предложения и букву выбранного варианта, например 1) а.
1. They put there the money they … during the week.
a) take
b) took
c) taken
2. The bank … early.
a) closed
b) are closed
c) were closed
3. The painted box … Mr Bell.
a) belonged to
b) belonged
c) was belonged to
4. Mr Bell saw two men … money into the night safe.
a) put
b) putted
c) to put
5. He … the painted box on the wall of the bank.
a) hang
b) hanged
c) hung
Задание 5. Замените выделенное курсивом слово синонимом. Запишите номер предложения и букву выбранного варианта, например 1) а.
1. They did not want to leave the money in their shops.
a) warn
b) waste
c) wish
2. Mr. Bell was very clever.
a) witty
b) proud
c) intelligent
3. The bank closes early.
a) shuts
b) opens
c) clusters
4. They put the money into the night safe.
a) dropped
b) took
c) gave
5. This one is out of order.
a) is in order
b) has broken
c) has been repaired

megasashabori megasashabori    3   04.06.2020 13:01    514

Svetik15102011 Svetik15102011  20.12.2023 13:08
Заголовок к тексту: "The Clever Money Box: A Cautionary Tale" Обоснование: - Текст рассказывает о событиях, связанных с исчезновением ночного сейфа и деньгами, украденными из него, поэтому заголовок должен отражать основную тему текста. - Также важно учесть, что текст дает нам урок о необходимости осторожности и осмысленности в принятии решений, и заголовок должен отражать данную моральную идею. Решение задания 2: 1) b) outside the bank into the night safe on the wall. 2) a) the bank closed early. 3) c) he painted the box. 4) a) he was standing round the corner. 5) c) he has stolen the money. Пояснения: 1) Из текста непосредственно следует, что каждую неделю магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в ночной сейф на стене за пределами банка. 2) Магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в ночной сейф, потому что банк закрывается рано. 3) Г-н Белл сам создал и повесил коробку, а также сам ее расписал. 4) Г-н Белл стоял за углом, в то время как магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в его сейф. 5) Г-н Белл находится в тюрьме за кражу. Решение задания 3: 1) b) Every Friday evening. 2) a) They wanted their money to be safe. 3) b) Into the night safe. 4) a) The money they took during the week. 5) b) Yes, he is. Пояснения: 1) Из текста ясно, что магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в ночной сейф каждую пятницу вечером. 2) Магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в ночной сейф, потому что они хотят, чтобы их деньги были в безопасности. 3) Магазинные владельцы кладут деньги в ночной сейф. 4) Магазинные владельцы кладут в ночной сейф деньги, которые они взяли за неделю. 5) Г-н Белл находится в тюрьме. Решение задания 4: 1) b) took. 2) a) closed. 3) a) belonged to. 4) a) put. 5) c) hung. Пояснения: 1) Магазинные владельцы кладут туда деньги, которые они взяли за неделю. 2) Банк закрылся рано. 3) Расписанная коробка принадлежала г-ну Беллу. 4) Г-н Белл увидел, как два мужчины кладут деньги в ночной сейф. 5) Г-н Белл повесил расписанную коробку на стену банка. Решение задания 5: 1) a) waste. 2) c) intelligent. 3) a) shuts. 4) a) dropped. 5) b) has broken. Пояснения: 1) Они не хотели оставлять деньги в своих магазинах. 2) Г-н Белл был очень сообразительным. 3) Банк закрывается рано. 4) Они бросали деньги в ночной сейф. 5) Этот ночной сейф не работает.
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