Прочитайте проведенный ниже текст . Преобразуйте слова , напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк , буквами в конце строк , обозначенных номерами 1-9 так , чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста . Заполните пропуски полученными словами . Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 1-9 . When British children stsrt stadying about Australia , they ask such questions as "Who discovered Australia? James Cook the first Englishman to discover Austraia , was not he ?
For many centuries people in Europe were certain that there was a land down under , but nobody how to get to it .
The Aboriges to be the first people to sail there from Asia .
They on the continent for more than 40,000 years .
In the half of the 16th century the northern coast and waters of Australia were visited sporadically by Spanish sailors and from Maritime Southeast Asia .
Before Captain Cook mapped the east coast of Australia and claimed it for Great Britain in 1770 , explorers from several different countries to find the unknown southland .
In the 17th century Australia by the Dutch mostly . In 1606 their ship and crew led by Willem Janszoon landed in Australia .
There are also reports that the Portuguese found Australia earlier , in 1522 . Howere , they by most historians .

voenngti voenngti    2   09.11.2020 16:04    17

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