Прочитайте предложения, подумайте и переходите от прямой речи к отчетной. Используйте полные формы глагола и слово "это" (для положительных предложений) . (Read the sentences, think and turn from direct to reported speech. Use full verb forms and the word "that" (for positive sentences) . 1. She said to me, "I cannot go out with you."
2. He said, " I picked up many flowers."
3. He said, "I dropped the bottle on the floor."

Напишите правильные или неправильные предложения.
Гости произнесли несколько фраз на свадьбе в субботу. Верны ли они? (Write correct or incorrect for the sentences.
The guests said some phrases at a wedding last Saturday. Are they correct?)

1. Miss More said that they would make a lovely couple.
2. Mrs Jones said that the couple’s parents looked happy

Прочитайте предложения и запишите их в отчетной речи. Используйте "это" в положительных предложениях для отчетной речи. Не забывайте о полных остановках в этих предложениях. Пишите полные предложения с полными формами глаголов. (Read the sentences and write them in reported speech. Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech. Don't forget about full stops in these sentences. Write full sentences with full verb forms.)
1. “It is the best film I have ever seen”, she said.
2. “What do you like to watch on TV?”, Mary asked me.
3. “Take your books with you”, she said to her daughter.

Прочитайте эти предложения и запишите их в отчетной речи. Пишите полные слова в своих ответах. Не забывайте о полных остановках в конце предложений.
Используйте "это" в положительных предложениях для отчетной речи.
(Read these sentences and write them in reported speech. Write full words in your answers. Don't forget about full stops at the end of the sentences.
Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech.)
1. “ I will phone this evening”, she said.
2. “ Go to your room and read this book”, mum said to Steve.
3. “Check the documents”, the boss said.

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