Прочитайте предложения и определите читателя.
1. your colleague has made the following notes. write your letter asking the principal for permission to..
a) your colleague
b) the principal
2. the competition rules say that the story must begin with the following
a) a competition judge
b) your teacher
3. your school magazine has invited you to write an article
a) students at your school
b) members of the public
4. you have just received this letter from the organisers of the competition. write your reply, using the notes..
a) an examiner
b) the organisers of the competition
5. your teacher has asked you to write a story for your school's english language magazine.
a) students at your school
b) your teacher
6. you have been doing a class project on work in the media. your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your opinions .
a) your teacher
b) the editor of a local paper