Прочитайте отрывок из письма, который вы получили от подруги по переписке по имени бэт. напишите ей письмо и ответьте на её вопросы. отрывок: please, write and tell me about your school library. is it big? how often do you use it? do you like your literature lessons? why/ why not? 70-80 слов.

kulickowakul kulickowakul    1   29.09.2019 20:40    0

ivan504 ivan504  09.10.2020 03:43
Hello. Thanks to writing me. Well, I have a big school library with a lot of books. I and my class, go to the library every Friday, because we love books. My friend, gived his favourite book to me. I reading it now, and it.. Very good book! And I like my literature lessons because lerrer is good, and I like read many texts.
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