Прочитайте это письмо от друга. напишите короткий ответ. отвечать на его вопросы ! я в твоей квартире. это мило! у меня два вопроса: - есть радио? где? -где кофе и сахар? , джордж. read this e-mail from a friend. write a short reply. answer his questions hi! i'm in your flat. it's very nice! i have two questions: - is there a radio? where? -where is the coffee and the sugar? thanks, george

Sofia1986 Sofia1986    2   14.09.2019 02:10    6

renatamur200518 renatamur200518  07.10.2020 13:08
Hi, George
The radio machine is on the table in kitchen. You can turn it on, if you want to.
You asked me about cofee and shugar? The shugar is in the cupboard in the red can. What about coffee - i haven't it, but if you want it so much, you may buy it in the nearest shop.
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