Прочитайте диалог, выберите неверные утверждения, запишите их в тетрадь)
- Who’s that woman over there?
- Which one?
- The one with long staright fair hair.
- Do you mean the one who is reading a book. This slim young girl?
- Yes, exactly! She looks familiar.
- She is my aunt’s daughter, my cousin.
- Really? What’s she like?
- She is smart. She reads a lot and she is also very talented and creative. She loves drawing and painting and spends a lot of time in the park either reading books or drawing plants.
- Isn’t it boring to spend a lot of time drawing plants?
- No, she enjoys it a lot and she is very hard-working. Her pictures are always beautiful!
The woman is the speaker’s aunt.
The woman is old and fat.
The woman is hard-working.
The woman is creative and talented.
The woman has got wavy fair hair.
The woman loves writing books and drawing.