Прочитайте диалог и ответьте на следующие вопросы. ответы запишите в тетрадь.mr fields: camford 24689.louise: hello, could i speak to mr fields, please? mr f: speaking.lp: hello, mr fields, my name’s louise platt and i live next door to your aunt, mrs grey, in newton street.mr f: oh, is there something wrong? lp: no, no. well, there isn’t an emergency or anything like that. but i would like to talk to you for a moment about mrs grey. i’m very worried about her, you see.mr f: is she ill? lp: no, it’s not that. it’s just that i went round to visit her because, you know, she lives alone and i’ve just moved to the area and well, i want to be neighbourly, you know.mr f: i’m sorry, but what’s the problem? lp: well, that’s it you see, i said she should give me a number to ring, if ever she was ill or if there was an emergency. you know, someone in the family to get in touch with, because she’s an old lady, you mrf: look, lp: platt, louise platt.mr f: look, mrs platt. i don’t mean to be unkind and i’m sure you mean well, but.. if my auntie’s well, i really don’t see why you are phoning me. i’m a very busy man but i do go and see my aunt quite regularly and you seem to be suggesting that she’s neglected in some way, and really i can assure you that’s not the case. she’s a very independent old lady and she won’t thank you for interfering.lp: yes, but the problem is mr fields, that that old house is so dangerous, i’m sure there’ll be an accident if nothing’s done.mr f: dangerous? in what way dangerous? lp well, the electricity for a start.mr f: what’s wrong with the electricity? lp: well, apart from the fact that it’s all so old and needs rewiring there are certain things that are really very dangerous.mr f: what, for example? lp: well, she’s got a socket right above the kitchen sink and you know that’s so dangerous. the flex from the toaster trails across the washing up water. it’s dangerous to touch plugs or sockets with wet hands or splash them. that socket should be taken out at once.mr f: she’s lived there for thirty-five years and nothing’s ever happened.lp: that doesn’t mean nothing will happen. she’s also got a socket in the bathroom, which is not a good idea at all. and all the sockets are so old that they don’t have switches and you know switch sockets are so much safer. and, of course, there aren’t enough sockets in the living room and then she’s got so many appliances working off one socket that i’m sure she’ll overload the system. she’s using old adaptors with three plugs in - all the flexes get mixed up and tangled together and that’s such a dangerous thing to do, you know. and then upstairs the live flex is just pinned to the mr f: ok, ok mrs platt. listen, i’ll go round and check these things if you like and if my aunt wants something done about them, maybe i can help her iz some way. well, really the whole house needs rewiring, it’s the only answer. and by the way, do tell her not to put wet clothes over the electric heater, won’t you? as i say, i’ll speak to my lp: anyway, my husband’s an electrician, so if you want to get the work done cheaply, because these things cost such a lot of money, don’t they? mr f: thank you very much, but i think i’ll let my aunt decide about that. thank you for calling. good bye mrs platt.lp: well.. why don’t you just have a word with him. 1 mrs platt is mrs grey’a friend.b neighbour.c social worker.d relative.2 mr fields is mrs grey’ a doctor.b friend.c son.d nephew.3 how does mr fields feel about the phone call? a grateful.b offended.c embarrassed.d bored.4 what is wrong with the sockets in mrs grey’s house? a they are too loose.b they are not big enough.c there are too few of them.d they do not work properly.5 what is mr fields going to do? a take mrs platt’s advice.b ask for his aunt’s opinion.c visit mrs platt.d have some work done.

Захар1191928 Захар1191928    2   05.10.2019 23:30    0

pe4cha pe4cha  09.10.2020 22:39

1 - B

2 - D

3 - D

4 - C

5 - B

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