Прочитайте диалог и и отметьте, являются ли ут верждения после него верными, неверными. Если утверж дение верное, напишите TRUE. Если утверждение

неверное, напишите FALSE.

Mary: Hi, George, our great traveler. Where are you going this


George: Hell, Mary. You’re right. I’m leaving tomorrow. I’m flying to

Задание 4 George knows some facts


about the climate in

Mary: Siberia? You must be joking. What are you going to do in this


country of snow and cold?

George: Why, Mary? It is summer now and far as I know summers

Задание 5 Mary things that it is

in Siberia are usually very hot. Sometimes the temperature can be

always cold in Siberia.

30 degrees above zero.

Задание 6 George is not going to

Mary: Are you sure? I thought Siberia is the coldest place in Russia

Siberia in summer.

with very low temperatures all the year round.

George: This is not right, Mary. Siberia’s territory is very large and

Задание 7 George is going to take

it’s climate is different in different places.

photos in Siberia.

Mary: And what are you going to see in Siberia?

Задание 8 George invites Mary to visit

George: Siberia is famous for many things. One of them is Lake

him after his trip to Siberia.

Baikal which is the deepest lake in the world. People say the

territories around it are beautiful. I think I’ll take a lot of pictures.

Come and see them when I’m back.

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