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My friend Hannah told me that she had been to a concert with her new boyfriend. She said that she had never seen the Kaiser Chiefs before. But she thought they were really good and they were going to see them again the following month. I asked her if she
had seen anyone she knew at the concert and she told me she had seen Daniel there.
He had been flirting with a girl and he had looked very happy. I asked Hannah when
I was going to see her and she said that she would come over later.
Hannah: Hi! It’s me. How are you?
Me: Fine, and you?
Hannah: Fine. I (1) went to a concert last night with Toby.
Me: Yeah? Who played?
Hannah: The Kaiser Chiefs. I (2) them before, but they were brilliant. In fact we (3) them again next month.
Me: Did you see anyone you knew at the concert?
Hannah: Yes. I (4) Daniel. He (5) with a girl.
Me: Daniel? My brother?
Hannah: Yeah. He (6) really happy.
Me: That’s good. When (7) I see you?
Hannah: I (8) over later this evening.
Me: Great. See you then.