Прочитай текст и отметь, какие утверждения после него соответствуют содержанию (Т, F, NS).

Nobody knows when or where people began to use words. Probably the first language had short simple sounds for things that were important to early people – meat, rain, fire, and stone. We know practically nothing about it because early people never wrote what they said. But we are sure that when words appeared, people began to tell each other what they are thinking. Then,

about 5,000 years ago people started writing. The first kind of writing did not use letters as we today. People just showed each other pictures to demonstrate what they mean.

Early people used words only to name things that were important for them.

Nowadays people have very few facts about the first words.

People did not put down their ideas.

About 5,000 years ago most people could write.

Early writing was not like ours.

vintageflower vintageflower    2   14.12.2021 17:27    59

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