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Кожне правильна відповідь (Task 1, Task 2) оцінюється в 0,
За кожне правильне речення (Task 3) нараховується
Завдання виконати до 20.03
Information on the Net
A When you chat to somebody on the Net or send them an e-mail, do you ever stop to think how many different computers you are using in the process? There's the computer on your own desk, of course, and another one at the other end where the other person is sitting, ready to communicate with you. But in between your two machines, making communication between them possible, there are probably about a dozen other computers bridging the gap. Collectively, all the world's linked-up computers are called the Internet. How do they talk to one another? Let's take a closer look!
B The Internet has one very simple job: to move computerized information (known as data) from one place to another. That's it! The machines that make up the Internet treat all the information they handle in exactly the same way. So, the Internet works a bit like the postal service. Letters are simply passed from one place to another, no matter who they are from or what messages they contain. The job of the mail service is to move letters from place to place, not to worry about why people are writing letters in the first place; the same applies to the Internet.
C The internet has made it so easy to publish information, it seems everyone is doing so, whether or not they’re a trustworthy source of information.
D The problem is this: information from a single source is often republished, copied, reposted, re-worded, and otherwise re-presented in multiple websites and sources. Republishing a mistake in a hundred different places doesn’t make it correct. Finding that mistaken information in a hundred different places isn’t a sign that it’s correct.
Four steps to the truth
E First: understand the problem. It is a good start. You now know what to look for, and though it might be a bit of work, you know what you need to do before accepting something
F Second: be skeptical. Don’t believe something you have read. This is really, really hard. Keep an open mind on all issues, even to the point of accepting that you might be wrong.
G Third: do the work. When faced with a piece of information you’re not certain of, if it’s at all important, do the legwork to confirm or invalidate it. Trace the sources back. Is it a single source repeated everywhere, or have different sources arrived at the same conclusion? This is a skill, and one well worth developing.
H Fourth: build a network of more-trusted sources. You’ll see the same sources come up as more trustworthy than others, and those can rise to the top of your list.
Task 1
Match the paragraph and the title
1. Every can do it
2. Understand the problem
3. The network of computers
4. Mistaken information
5. Important skill
6. Like mail service
7. A list of trusted sources
8. Know what you want
Task 2
Find the synonyms to the words from the text. Pay attention to the bold words and word-combinations
shorten the distance
mail service
truthful, honest
much to do
understand clearly
confident, sure
Task 3
Склади і напиши 12 речень з виділеними словами