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1. You really feel as if you’re there in Middle Earth, with all characters. There are brilliant
special effects too. I can wait to see the other two Lord of the Rings films.
2. Vologda stands on the Vologda river. It was founded in 1147. From the 15th to 17th
century it was a big trade centre. In the Vologda’s old Kremlin you can see St. Sophia
Cathedral, built from 1568 to 1570 by Ivan IV, and the 18th century Bishop’s Palace.

3. The first jeans were made in 1873 in California by Levi Strauss. Levi was a German who
came to San Francisco during the Gold Rush. He was a successful businessman. The first
Levi’s label was made in 1886. It had a picture of jeans and two horses.

4. The brother and sister made a tour on a red double-decker bus. The children visited a lot
of wonderful places. They loved London and enjoyed staying with the Barkers. They
took a lot of pictures, bought some souvenirs for their family and friends.

5. - Excuse me, how do I get to the underground station?
- Oh, it’s not far from here. You can take bus 15.
- Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.

6. Turkey, goose the roast beef of old England, nuts and oranges are on the
festive dinner table. But a Christmas dinner in Britain without the
traditional Christmas pudding would be strange, indeed.

a. A Tour of England
b. Favourite Dishes
c. Fantastic Film
d. Asking the Way

e. Old Russian Town
f. Holiday in England
g. The Founder of Trousers

Тосямдр Тосямдр    2   14.05.2020 09:17    150

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