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a. read the text and say in what way animals are different from plants.
animals and plants
as scientists say, an animal is any юз. living thing (including people) that
i iis not a plant. nobody knows how many different species of wild plants
and animals there are on our planet. people discover hundreds of new
kinds every year. in what way are animals different from plants? this
99 iiquestion is not always easy to answer. animals and plants get their food
differently: animals eat plants or other animals, while plants get their
food from the air and soil with the help of their leaves and roots. but
we know that some plants can catch iand "eat" insects. also animals can
move about and hide while plants grow in the same place. but there are
some plants that can travel and there are some that never leave their
place. as you see plants and animals have much in common.
there are more than 300.000 different species of plants on the earth.
some plants grow very tall and live a very long life. other plants are so
small that you can see them only through a microscope ['maikrəskəupi.
the same is true about animals. you can find plants and animals in the
oceans and deserts, in mountains and in cold tundra ['tandrə] plains.
when people first learned to cultivate kaltveitl plants and domesticate
animals, our civilization [sivǝlar'zerſnl began. we can't live without them.
plants are able to use sunlight to grow. they "breathe in" carbon diox-​ как прочитать текст на

Viola320 Viola320    2   26.01.2020 14:29    16

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