Проанализируйте, какое действие обозначают глаголы в скобках по отношению к сказуемо-му предложений – одновременное или предшествующее. Образуйте от них соответствую-щие причастия и переведите предложения. 1. (Do his homework) he went to the cinema. (Do his homework) he made several mis-takes.
2. (Do exercise 3) she turned on the TV-set. (Do exercise 3) she learned some new words.
4. (Graduate from the University) he became a good specialist. (Graduate from the University) he made an interesting research in his diploma-paper.
5. (Study) at the University she was a very good student. (Study) this theme she made a report on it.
6. (Write letters) she posted them. (Write letters) she always makes mistakes.
7. (Write a dictation) be very attentive. (Write a dictation) we handed them in (hand in – сдать).

kaaanrakun kaaanrakun    1   13.04.2021 22:18    9

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